What’s in the Name – “reCharkha”

Pronounced as "Re-Char-K-ha"
re = means again, afresh or anew in English, with its origin from Latin
Char-kha = is the spinning wheel in Persian, with its origins from Cha-kra in Sanskrit.

What's the "Charkha"?
"Charkha" was used as a symbol of India's Independence or Swadesi movement, where people used their own Charkha and Handloom at home, to make their own khadi, silk or wool Yarn and then Fabric, thus symbolising their SELF-RELIANCE!

Hence, reCharkha!
We are Reviving the Charkha, our traditional spinning wheel, to solve today's world problems, which are Plastic pollution, Environmental degradation and Rural unemployment!
Charkha symbolized the Freedom from foreign rulers at that time, reCharkha symbolises the GLOBAL movement of "Freedom from plastic pollution"

One important aspect of reCharkha is enabling LIVELIHOODS . Our work is of hand-rolling and hand-weaving of waste plastic, using the Charkha and Handloom. Charkha has always been the symbol of "Handmade" and "Handspun". Thus our Logo has a TRIBAL woman, spinning her wheel to recycle.
The reCharkha Logo symbol also affirms the whole idea of a "Circular economy", and that's what we are trying to promote.
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info@recharkha.org -
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